Dear Students,

we feel happy and honoured that you are considering application to our institution. Please, accept our apologies for our being in progress of reconstructing the offer of the courses taught in English. There are strong hopes it will be completed within next few months.

Please, kindly contact our Erasmus office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before making an application so that we can implement the courses you would require to be taught in Lodz.

While creating your application and Learning Agreement please, use EASY DreamApply system
Our Erasmus Code is PL LODZ04

We are looking forward to meeting you in our University of Music!


Faculty of Creativity, Interpretation, Music Education and Music Production


Faculty of Instrumental Performance


Faculty of Performing Arts


Faculty of Jazz and Popular Music
  • Come to Poland! click
  • Erasmus Student Network Poland click
  • Come to Lodz! link 2   |   link 1
  • General Information on our University click
  • COURSES IN ENGLISH (Erasmus+ students) click
  • Statistical distribution of grades
    at the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz (PL LODZ04) download .pdf file

We warmly welcome you to study in the unique and exciting atmosphere of the monumental palace and many modern facilities of our University of Music.
Here you can learn in the classes run by the distinguished professors and artists.
We are proud that our students achieve numerous successes at international competitions and festivals.
Erasmus+ is a programme which gives an opportunity to take part in student exchanges financed by the European Union. Students of higher education institutions can either study abroad or do traineeships in different countries. During one study cycle (so either the Bachelor or the Master level), the exchange can last 2 to 12 months – within this period of time, you can benefit from the programme multiple times.
The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź offers mobilities for students and staff within the programme countries (KA103).
There are multiple benefits coming from participating in the programme: from opportunities to study in an international environment to to personal development while experiencing new cultures and lifestyles.
Erasmus+ is a wonderful adventure which allows, among other things, to gain knowledge and experience in many fields, broaden your horizons and open your mind, acquire or improve language skills, boost your chances on the labour market and above all – experience the adventure of your life.

An exchange student

An exchange student is a student (officially registered abroad in his/her home higher education institution) who temporarily lives in a foreign country and attends courses or is involved in other academic activities.
Exchange students do not receive a diploma in Łódź. However, all academic results will be sent to your university abroad in the form of a transcript of records.
You can study at the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź as an exchange student on condition that there is a cooperation agreement between the university where you are currently studying and our institution. You can obtain more information about inter-institutional agreements from the international office at your university or college.
If you have questions on the courses you can choose in Łódź, please contact the international office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Application Deadlines

  • Applications autumn/fall/winter semester and full year: April 30, every year
  • Applications spring/summer semester: November 15, every year

Incoming Erasmus+ student application procedure

In 2020/2021 EASY DreamApply application platform will be implemented.

  • EASY DreamApply application platform click

Please, contact our international office in order to receive more information and assistance.

In other cases please, ask your Erasmus Cordinator to send your nomination to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you do not use an application system, we will need the following documents:

  1. AEC application form (signed by you, your tutor, your dean and Erasmus coordinator);
  2. Learning Agreement form (signed by you and your dean);
  3. artistic bio;
  4. transcript of records;
  5. letter of motivation;
  6. your portfolio:
    • for instrumentalists and singers: link/s (YouTube, Vimeo, Daily Motion or any other platform) to your video performance. Three pieces in different styles, total no longer than 30 minutes. The performance must reflect your present level of skills;
    • for composers: three scores representing various ensemble types which display your current level and ability;
  7. letter of reccommendation from your institution.

Erasmus Office at the Grazyna & Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you are a staff member of our partner institution and would like to apply for a staff mobility at the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź (Erasmus code PL LODZ04), please send us your request and presentation of your didactic/ artistic or training offer to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Then we will contact the head of an appropriate department/faculty in our institution for further consideration.
If there are possibilities to include your offer into our academic calendar, we would be happy to issue a formal invitation.
Then you will have to contact your Erasmus Coordinator to request the possibility of financial support and arrange the details of your travel.

For further assistance in arranging your stay, please, do not hesitate to contact Erasmus Office in Łódź (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

erasmus plusContact

International Relations Office

  • Ms Dorota Rossowska, MA

Phone +48 42 662 16 15
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 click here
  • Erasmus Policy Statement 2014-2020click here
  • ECHE 2021-2027 (Erasmus Charter for Higher Education) pobierz
  • Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027 pobierz



The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Łódź co-operates with the following institutions:


  • Royal Danish Academy of Music go to website
  • Syddansk Musikkonservqatorium (SDMK) i Danish National Academy of Music (Odense/Esbjerg) go to website
  • Haute Ecoles des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), Academie Superieure de Musique go to website
it   ITALY
  • Conservatorio di Musica "F. Venezze" Rovigo go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica "Nino Rota" Monopoli go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica “Domenico Cimarosa” Avellino go to website
  • Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Nicola Sala” Benevento go to website
  • Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Cesare Pollini” Padova go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica “C. Monteverdi” Bolzano go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica “Alfredo Casella” L’Aquila go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica „Giuseppe Verdi” Como go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica „L.Refice” , Viale Michelangelo, Frosinone go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica „Arrigo Boito” Parma go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica “V. Bellini” Palermo go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica „Giuseppe Martucci” Salerno go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica “Benedetto Marcello” Venezia go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Tartini go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica "G. Pierluigi da Palestrina" di Cagliari go to website
  • Conservatorio di Musica "Luigi Cherubini" di Firenze go to website
  • Conservatorio Statale di Musica "L. D'Annunzio" go to website
  • Conservatorio Statale di Musica "J. Tomadini" di Udine go to website
  • Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Danca go to website
es   SPAIN
  • Conservatorio del Liceu Barcelona go to website
  • Conservatorio Superior de Música “Joaquín Rodrigo” de Valencia go to website
  • Conservatorio Superior de Música "Manuel Massotti Littel" Murcia go to website
  • Real Conservatorio Superior de Musica de Madrid go to website
  • Conservatorio Superior di Musica “Oscar Espla” Alicante go to website
  • Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid go to website