• Aplication form in format .pdf download
  • Aplication form in format .docx download


Prof. Olivier Derbesse | clarinet, Orchestre de Paris
Lola Descours | bassoon, Orchestre de Paris
Prof. Harri Mäki | clarinet, Sibelius Academy of the University of Arts in Helsinki
Prof. Meyrick Alexander | bassoon, Royal Welsh College of Music&Drama
Dr hab. Artur Kasperek | bassoon, The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw
Adrian Janda | clarinet, Warsaw Philharmonic – The National Orchestra and Choir of Poland
Dr Arek Adamczyk | bassoon, The Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań
Dr Andrzej Wojciechowski | clarinet, The Stanisław Moniuszko Academy of Music in Gdańsk
Ramón Wodkowski | clarinet mouthpiece craftman | London

1. The Organizer of the 1st Clarinet-Bassoon Forum in Łódź, hereinafter called the Forum, is the Chair of Wind Instruments and the Instrumental Faculty of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.

2. The Forum will be held from 21st to 23rd April 2017 at the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.

3. The keynote of the Forum is “Combination of the clarinet and bassoon timbres in the light of the latest research and from the perspective of a professional musician”, whereas the subject matter of workshops will constitute orchestral studies for clarinet and bassoon as well as chamber music for clarinet and bassoon.

4. Content-related and organizational supervision is provided by Mirosław Kłys, DA and Dorota Cegielska, DA. The reception desk of the Forum, offering assistance to the Forum participants throughout the event, will be located in the foyer of the Chamber Concert Hall of the Academy of Music in Łódź in the Regional Center of Culture, Education and Music Documentation at al. 1 Maja 4.

5. The aim of the Forum is:
a. to present the clarinet and bassoon as a duo in chamber music and orchestral studies,
b. to show a wider audience the complexities involved in the process of preparing an instrumentalist for a chamber and orchestral performance,
c. to encourage composers to write musical pieces for clarinet and bassoon,
d. to put orchestral studies into a new perspective, owing to which clarinet and bassoon students will be given a chance to get familiarized with the orchestral medium they are likely to work in.

6. The Forum will include an academic component, consisting of papers, multimedia lectures and workshops, as well as an artistic part taking the form of the “Concert of premieres”.

7. The participants of the Forum will get acquainted with and make use of the new publication titled “Orchestral studies for 2 clarinets and 2 bassoons”, compiled and edited by Mirosław Kłys, DA and Dorota Cegielska, DA.

8. Participation in the Forum is made available to secondary music school pupils, undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students of instrumental performance, who can apply either individually in the clarinet or bassoon section, as duos (clarinet and bassoon), or as quartets (two clarinets and two bassoons). During the Forum the participants shall use their own instruments.

9. There are two forms of participation in the Forum available: active or passive.

10. Active participation entitles to participation in all the Forum events, i.e. 10 workshop lessons (45-minute each) and lunch on the second day of the Forum; it also entitles to the purchase of the new publication at a promotional price and to the obtainment of a certificate of participation.

11. Active participants can choose from the following classes: orchestral studies for clarinet and bassoon, orchestral studies for two clarinets and two bassoons, chamber music for clarinet and bassoon with the piano accompaniment (if necessary).

12. Program and the number of lessons assigned to the selected pieces should be specified by a participant in the application form. The number of workshop lessons will be adjusted to the participants’ needs as far as possible. All active participants are obliged to prepare roughly their repertoire before the start of workshops. In order to facilitate the organization of the event, please register pairs of instrumentalists – clarinet and bassoon (preferably the musicians who have played together before).

13. Passive participation comprises participation in all the Forum events, possibility to purchase the new publication at a promotional price and a certificate of passive participation (it will be also possible to reserve lunch and pay for it separately).

14. Registration fees are as follows: active participation – 250 PLN, passive participation – 50 PLN.

15. Travel expenses, accommodation and maintenance costs shall be covered by participants or the delegating institutions.

16. Fees should be transferred onto the account of the Academy of Music in Łódź:
Bank PEKAO SA II O/Łódź 97 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 1999
with the following annotation: “1st Clarinet-Bassoon Forum in Łódź”
Please note that the registration fee is non-refundable.

17. In order to register for both active and passive participation in the Forum, the Application Form, available on and websites, should be completed and sent in as a scan, along with the payment slip, at the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The original application form (completed paper version) should be submitted to the Organizer during the registration on the first day of the Forum.

18. The application form template is annexed to the Rules. Active participation should be registered three weeks at the latest prior to the scheduled opening of the Forum, i.e. by March 31st, 2017.

19. All the queries concerning the Forum should be addressed at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

20. Registered active participants will be notified by the Organizer about the program of the Forum one week at the latest prior to the first day of the Forum. The program of the Forum, including a detailed schedule of its academic and artistic parts, will be published no sooner than March 31st, 2017.

21. Registered participants of the Forum give their consent to the following:
a.making the audio and video recordings featuring participants, their fixation, multiple re-use, processing, reproduction and dissemination through any chosen medium for promotional and archiving purposes of the Organizer without the necessity of their validation each time,
b.processing their personal data by the Organizer of the Forum, under the Data Protection Act of 29th August 1997 (Dz.U. [Journal of Laws] of 2014, item 1182, as amended), essential for their participation in the Forum; participants also state that they have been informed that:
I.the administrator of the personal data included in the application form is the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź, situated at ul. Gdańska 32,
II.the personal data given by participants will be processed for the purposes related to the organization of the Forum and will not be made accessible to third persons other than the Organizer,
III.they have the right to access the aforementioned personal data content and to introduce necessary corrections,
IV.the consent to give the personal data is voluntary; however, failure to do so shall result in the preclusion from registering for participation in the Forum.

22. The Organizer shall reserve the right to introduce changes to the Rules. Any changes to the Rules will be announced every time on the website of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.

23. The Organizer shall reserve the right to cancel the Forum due to important reasons (no later than April 14th, 2017).