5-9 December 2017



The 2nd International Trumpet Conference will take place on 5–9 December 2017 in Łódź. Its organiser is the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódż. The main aims of the event are: presentation of scholarly and artistic assessments, the exchange of experience, integration and raising the level of trumpet playing in Poland. The 2nd International Trumpet Conference is planned to be an artistic, educational and scholarly event. Its participants will have the opportunity to take part in masterclasses, lectures and concerts of distinguished artists and teachers from all over the world. Moreover, they will be able to familiarize themselves with modern instruments offered by leading producers. Among the soloists and lecturers of the conference one could find eminent artists from Poland and abroad. In total there is a schedule for six concerts, seven masterclasses, five lectures and two panel discusssions, the topics of which will be chosen by the conference participants.

An important part of the conference will be the 2nd International Trumpet Competition taking place on 6 and 7 December 2017. The competition programme consists exclusively of solo trumpet pieces, with no age limitations for participants. The above conditions give equal chances for all those who are interested in participation.

Combination of the clarinet and bassoon timbres in the light of the latest research and from the perspective of a professional musician

workshops – lectures – concert
orchestral studies and chamber music for clarinet and bassoon

21 – 23 April 2017
The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź