5-9 December 2017



The 2nd International Trumpet Conference will take place on 5–9 December 2017 in Łódź. Its organiser is the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódż. The main aims of the event are: presentation of scholarly and artistic assessments, the exchange of experience, integration and raising the level of trumpet playing in Poland. The 2nd International Trumpet Conference is planned to be an artistic, educational and scholarly event. Its participants will have the opportunity to take part in masterclasses, lectures and concerts of distinguished artists and teachers from all over the world. Moreover, they will be able to familiarize themselves with modern instruments offered by leading producers. Among the soloists and lecturers of the conference one could find eminent artists from Poland and abroad. In total there is a schedule for six concerts, seven masterclasses, five lectures and two panel discusssions, the topics of which will be chosen by the conference participants.

An important part of the conference will be the 2nd International Trumpet Competition taking place on 6 and 7 December 2017. The competition programme consists exclusively of solo trumpet pieces, with no age limitations for participants. The above conditions give equal chances for all those who are interested in participation.




Terms of participation

The conference participants can be all trumpeters and people interested in playing the trumpet. The programme of the event was designed to become interesting both for professionals, students, pupils and even for trumpet lovers. There will be the following forms of participation:

  • Active participant
  • Passive participant
  • Entrance to concerts and exhibitions

ACTIVE PARTICIPATION gives the right to enter all events taking place within the conference. Moreover, it offers a chance to receive individual lessons during masterclasses (the lesson duration and the choice of a tutor depends on the number of participants). At the end of the conference each participant will receive a certificate of active participation.

PASSIVE PARTICIPATION gives the right to enter all events taking place within the conference. During masterclasses a passive participant is only an observer. At the end of the conference each participant will receive a certificate of passive participation.
Teachers who choose this form of participation will receive a certificate of active participation.

ENTRANCE TO CONCERTS AND EXHIBITIONS allows for unlimited admission to concerts and exhibitions held within the conference. There will be no certificate for this form of participation.

Academic teachers taking part in the conference receive a certificate only at the request.


  • Active participation:
    90 EURO for the whole event or 30 EURO per one day in case of participating on some chosen days.
  • Passive participation:
    70 EURO for the whole event or 20 EURO per one day in case of participating on some chosen days.
  • Entrance to concerts and exhibitions:
    30 EURO the whole event or 10 EURO per one day in case of participating on some chosen days.
  • Polish academic teachers:
    exemption from payment of fee.
  • Participants of the 2nd International Trumpet Competition receive 10% discount for the conference fees.

Fees should be transferred to the bank account of the Academy of Music in Łódź; 32, Gdańska St., 90-716 Łódź, Poland;
IBAN: PL 45 1240 3028 1978 0010 1782 4704; Bank PEKAO SA (SWIFT/BIC: PKOPPLPW);
with a note: “International Trumpet Conference 2017 and participant’s name and surname”.
Please, note that all banking charges should be paid by a participant so that the amount that reaches the account is precisely the same as required. In case of one’s resignation the fee will not be returned.


Application forms written in block letters should be submitted with a proof of payment to the e-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The e-mail subject must contain Application and Name and Surname of participant(s).

Any questions concerning the conference participation can be directed by e-mail to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone +48509164787

The co-ordinator of the 2nd International Trumpet Conference is Assistant Professor Dr Hab. Sławomir Cichor.

Artists and lecturers

(in alphabetical order)

Belgian Brass Quintet

Belgian Brass Quintet The ensemble was created by the group of soloists of National Opera of Belgium La ‘Monnaie. It performs in two lineups as a brass quintet and a twelve person brass ensemble with percussion. Belgian Brass created its unique style performing music of many epochs, from Renaissance to contemporary, in its original arrangements using symphonic, jazz and popular music. Every year the artists play numerous concerts all over the world. They are the founders of International Belgian Brass Academy, which gathers eminent musicians and educators. The artists play Yamaha instruments. The members of the ensemble are:

  • Manu Mellaerts – trumpet
  • Steven Devolder – trumpet
  • Rik Vercruysse – horn
  • Jan Smets – trombone
  • Stephan Vanaenrode – tuba
Jason Bergman (USA)

Jason Bergman Jason Bergman is Assistant Professor of Trumpet at the University of North Texas. He also serves as Principal Trumpet of the Mobile Symphony and Mobile Opera.  He is regularly in demand as a soloist, orchestra trumpet, and an educator. A winner of the Orchestral Excerpt Competition held within ITG Conference. Dr Bergman performed as a soloist i.a. with Garland Symphony Orchestra, the UNT Symphonic Band, the Beijing Central Conservatory of Music Wind Ensemble, the Southern Miss Symphonic Winds, the Brigham Young University Philharmonic, Wind Symphony, and Symphonic Band. He conducts numerous masterclasses in the USA and South America. He is a contributing author of the Grove Dictionary of American Music and the editor of ITG Journal. In 2017 has been chosen as one of directors of International Trumpet Guild. His latest CD The Lighting Field received a great review in Gramophone, a prestigious classical music magazine.The artist plays Vincent Bach instruments.

Dominique Bodart (Belgium)

Dominique Bodart Artistic director of International Trumpet Competition „Theo Charlier” and a professor at the Academy of Music in Eghezée. The prize winner of numerous competitions, i.a. International Competition in Lieksa (Finland). In 1989-1991 the first solo trumpet in The World Youth Orchestra, and in 2008-2011 alternating-principal trumpet in Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra in Finland. Dominique Bodart teaches at many master courses and performs as a soloist in numerous countries of Europe and Asia. He is a highly regarded performer of early music played on the Baroque trumpet. The artist plays exclusively the instruments by Buffet Group.

Konrad Boniński (Poland)

Konrad Boniński Principal trumpet of the Grand Theatre orchestra in Łódź, and an assistant professor with doctoral degree at the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź. For many years a trumpet class teacher at the Henryk Wieniawski Comprehensive Primary and Secondary Music Schools in Łódź. Konrad Boniński performs as a soloist and chamber musician. To his credit he also cooperated with film studios (recordings for fiction, documentary and short movies). A member of the jury at regional and national competitions in Poland. He performed world premieres of numerous works by contemporary composers.

Igor Cecocho (Poland)

Igor Cecocho Professor at the Academies of Music in Wrocław and Łódź. A highly regarded soloist and chamber musician performing concerts with numerous philharmonic orchestras. Principal trumpet of the Philharmonic Orchestra in Wrocław for many years. A teacher at masterclasses in Poland and abroad. A forerunner of early music performance on the Baroque trumpet in Poland. His two solo CDs were highly appraised by music critics. The artist plays B&S instruments.

Sławomir Cichor (Poland)

Sławomir Cichor Assistant professor with habilitation doctoral degree at the Academy of Music in Łódź and principal trumpet of the Philharmonic Orchestra in Łódź. He performs as a soloist and chamber musician in numerous countries. A performer of world premieres of contemporary works and a composer of trumpet music. In 2014 he recorded a CD Trumpet Song, which received excellent reviews. Sławomir Cichor plays Yamaha trumpets.

Jose Chafer (Spain)

Jose Chafer Professor at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica in Murcia (Spain). An outstanding soloist and educator, regularly invited to prestigious festivals in Spain, Belgium, Italy, China and the USA. His two solo CDs received Global Music Awards. In 2013 he gave a recital at the annual conference of International Trumpet Guild in Grand Rapids. Professor Chafer is the artistic director of CIMVO International Trumpet Festival held every twelve years in L’Olleria, Spain. The artist plays Yamaha instruments.

Frits Damrow (The Netherlands / Switzerland)

Frits Damrow Professor at the University of the Arts in Zurich. In 1991-2010 principal trumpet of Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam. As a soloist he played with many orchestras like Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Symfonietta Amsterdam, Rotterdam Chamber Orchestra, Italian Chamber Orchestra. His rich chamber music activity included performances with different groups like Amsterdam Bach Soloists, the Netherlands Wind Ensemble, the Ebony Band, the Brass Quintet and Brass Ensemble of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra. Professor Damrow leads a succesful educational work, giving masterclasses in Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Germany, South Korea, China, Spain, Japan, Italy, the USA and Georgia. Author of etudes and methods for trumpet, i.a. Fitness for Brass or Shape Up. His students win prizes at the most important international competitions (Huw Morgan). He is a Yamaha performing artist.

Pierre Dutot (France)

Pierre Dutot Pedagogue whose teaching combines his own educational background of instrumental studies, psychology and sport training. For 22 years he was a professor at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Lyon. He also worked as a soloist in the National Symphonic Orchestra in Lyon. Pierre Dutot conducts also rich activity as a soloist and chamber musician. He is a founder of numerous ensembles like Hexagone, Polygone, Jericho, Brass Band Borgiaq de Bordeaux. Professor Dutot regularly teaches at prestigious master courses across the world. He is an author of trumpet method 1ere Methode du Tout Petit Trumpet Star. Among his students one can find many outstanding soloists and prize winners of international trumpet competitions (David Guerrier, Andre Henry, Jose Luis Gonzalez). The artist plays Yamaha instruments.

Maciej Fortuna (Poland)

Maciej Fortuna Jazz trumpet player, a founder and leader of some of the top Polish bands in improvised music such as Maciej Fortuna Trio, the critically acclaimed Maciej Fortuna Quartet and the Fortuna/Dys Duo. He performs music combining jazz with electronics, both solo and in collaboration with An On Bast. He played at various international music festivals such as  Jarasum International Jazz Festival, Heineken Jazzaldia (San Sebastián Jazz Festival), and Fringe Festival. Dr Hab. Maciej Fortuna runs the trumpet class at the Academy of Music in Poznań.

Roman Gryń (Polska)

Roman Gryń Professor at the the Academies of Music in Poznań and Bydgoszcz. During his musical carier he was principal trumpet in National Philharmonic in Warsaw, Poznań Philharmonic and Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz. Professor Gryń performs as a soloist and chamber musician in many countries of Europe. He recorded few solo CDs including „Polish Barock”. Mr Gryń leads masterclasses and is reputable jurry member in polish and international competitions.

Thomas Lubitz (Germany)

Chief trumpet maker and designer, senior manager in the European Yamaha Atelier in Hamburg. For many years designed top class instruments. In co-operation with world class artists he improves trumpets adjusting the instruments to individual needs.

Wacław Mulak (Poland)

Wacław Mulak He runs the trumpet class at the Academy of Music in Cracow. Principal trumpet of the Cracow Philharmonic orchestra. Dr Hab. Wacław Mulak works with numerous orchestras in Poland and abroad. A regular teacher at many masterclasses. He is a founder of Barock Tune ensemble.

Rex Richardson (USA)

Rex Richardson In classical music circles considered as one of the finest trumpet players in the world. In 2008 Brass Herald music magazine named him “Personality of the Year”, while Dave Douglas called him „a national treasure”. He plays as a soloist with numerous orchestras, both symphonic and brass ones, while as a jazz musician he shared the stage with a countless legendary artists including Brian Blade, Benny Carter, Boston Brass, Ray Charles, Mike Clarke, Dave Douglas, Kurt Elling, Carl Fontana, Aretha Franklin, Wycliffe Gordon, Stefon Harris, Conrad Herwig, Dave Holland, Dave Liebman, Keith Lockhart, James Morrison, Jimmy Owens, Jim Pugh, Chris Potter, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Arturo Sandoval, Bobby Shew, Allen Vizzutti, Bill Watrous, Steve Wilson.
Since 2002 Richardson has been a trumpet professor at Virginia Commonwealth University, and serves as artist-in-residence and visiting professor at Ithaca College in New York and at Trinity College of Music in London. Moreover, in spring 2012 he taught as artist-in-residence at Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester. Rex Richardson plays Yamaha instruments.



The Rules

of the 2nd International Trumpet Competition in Łódź
held within the 2nd International Trumpet Conference
  1. The 2nd International Trumpet Competition in Łódź will be held on 6-7 December 2017.
  2. The Organizer of the Competition is the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź. It is held within the frames of the 2nd International Trumpet Conference in Łódź.
  3. The participants of the Competition can be the trumpeters of all nationalities, with no age limitations.
  4. The condition for participation in the Competition is submission of the entry form by 20 November 2017 and the payment of the entrance fee of 30 EURO.
    Fees should be transferred to the bank account of the Academy of Music in Łódź.
    IBAN: BANK PEKAO SA PL 45 1240 3028 1978 0010 1782 4704 (SWIFT/BIC: PKOPPLPW)
    with a note: “Trumpet Competition participant’s name and surname”.
  5. The members of the Jury of the Competition will be distinguished artists and teachers participating in the Trumpet Conference. The chairman and the secretary of the Jury will be elected by voting of the members of the Jury.
  6. The Competition consists of two stages of auditions. All participants will perform in the 1st stage, whereas only maximum 10 persons (not more than 50% of all participants) will be qualified to the 2nd stage.
  7. The programme of the Competition:
    1st stage – one work to choose from the list below:
    • A. Plog – Postcards
    • A. Vizzutti – Cascades
    • T. Takemitsu – Paths
    • K. Grzeszczak – Z516b
    • B. Kowalski – Moment na trąbkę solo
    • S. Cichor – Spanish Impression
    • T. Kassak – Trumpetos
    2nd stage – a freely chosen programme composed of works for trumpet solo, (jointly not longer than 10 minutes). The participant cannot repeat programme which he performed in the 1st stage.
  8. The Competition Organizer plans to award three prizes, including the main prize, funded by the Rector of the Academy of Music in Łódź, Prof. Dr Hab. Cezary Sanecki, i.e. five hours of recordings with editing realized at the Concert Hall of the Academy of Music in Łódź. Moreover, there will be a special award for the best performance of a Polish composer’s work as well as honorary mentions.
  9. The jury has the right to divide the prizes. All prizes are subject to taxation, in accordance with the Personal Income Tax Act.
  10. Decisions made by the jury are irrevocable. Recourse to legal action is excluded.
  11. All prizes, including honorary mentions, will be awarded during the prize winners’ concert.
  12. All prize winners are obliged to perform without payment at the prize winners’ concert.
  13. The programme of the prize winners’ concert will be settled by the Jury of the Competition and agreed with performers.
  14. In all organizational matters, not covered by the Jury’s competence, decisions will be made by the Organizational Board of the Conference.
  15. The Competition can be cancelled due to the external causes, yet no later than by 20 November 2017. In such case the entrance fees will be paid back to participants.
  16. The Competition participants are transferring to the organizers, without any remuneration, their copyrights regarding:
    • performances of works during the Competition,
    • performances of works during the prize winners’ concert,
    • the rights to their own image (done by use of all the photographic and recording techniques as registered during their participation in the Competition and in the concert).

