The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz
Academy of Music in Łódź
Ul. Gdańska 32
90-716 Łódź

  • Internet website:
  • Teaching Section:
    phone: + 48 42 662 16 12
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • International Relations Office
    phone + 48 42 662 16 15
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź is an important entity of academic and artistic world in Łódź and the whole region. It is a credible and experienced institution, famous for its substantial level of education and openness to all forms of development and promotion of classical, popular or film music.
The outcome of educational activities of the Academy are numerous awards and honours for the professors, students and graduates at national and international competitions, whereas the outcome of its artistic and scientific sessions, organized by the chairs of the Academy, are published materials, such as research publications and CDs. The Academy of Music in Łódź is a state art academy offering comprehensive full-time and part-time studies in a variety of music areas. Study programmes are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Full-time studies
1st cycle 3-year studies, 2nd cycle 2-year studies

Composition, Theory of Music, Conducting, Eurhythmics and Art Education
specialties: composition, theory of music, eurhythmics, art education in music arts


Piano, Organ, Harpsichord and Early Instruments
specialties: piano, harpsichord, organ and early instruments: baroque violin, baroque cello, viola da gamba, lute, traverse flute, recorders, baroque oboe, natural trumpet

Instrumental Studies
specialties: violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion, accordion

Vocal and Acting Performance
specialties: vocal and acting performance

Part-time studies
  • Choreography and Dance Techniques (1st cycle studies)
  • Music Therapy (1st cycle studies)
  • Instrumental Studies (1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle studies)
  • Vocal Studies (1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle studies)
  • Post-Diploma Non-Degree Professional Master Course in Instrumental or Vocal Studies
  • Post-Diploma Non-Degree Studies in the Field of Film Music, Computer Music and Audiovisual Work.

All courses are taught in Polish language. Some individual classes could be run in foreign languages, however group classes, which are compulsory, are taught in Polish. If you come to complete the whole cycle of studies it is strongly recommended to start the stay in Poland as a preparatory (zero) year with an intensive learning of Polish (one year before starting the studies).
The Academy offers the highest quality education due to: high rank specialists who teach master classes of instruments, composition, and eurhythmics, choreography and music therapy, experienced teachers who deliver lectures and offer classes on the theory of music. The programme of studies is often enriched with extra master courses, seminars, workshops, or lectures (many of them run by visiting professors from renowned institutions from all over the world).

Name and address

32 Gdańska Street, 90-716 Łódź

General information about the University

The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz is a state art academy.

    The University consists of four faculties:
    Faculty of Creativity, Interpretation, Music Education and Production
    Faculty of Instrumental Performance
    Faculty of Performing Arts
    Faculty of Jazz and Popular Music

The University employs highly qualified specialists, educating future artists, musicians, composers, vocalists, instrumentalists, theoreticians, pedagogues, and music teachers. The individual, group or collective classes cover not only major subjects in the particular speciality, but also general ones such as philosophy, culture sociology, history of art and foreign language courses.
Individual courses for the physically handicapped are available.

Academic year schedule

Academic year is divided into two semesters, each of which lasts fifteen weeks, counting off the breaks for Christmas, Easter and bank holidays. The winter semester starts on 1st October and finishes with the end-of-term exams at the turn of January and February. The semester break lasts one week. The summer semester starts in the mid- February, and the end-of-term exams are held in the first decade of June. The Winter Make-up Examinations can be taken until the end of February, and the Summer Make-up Examinations from the middle to the end of September.

The detailed Schedule of classes, exams and breaks is announced by the Rector before the inauguration of each academic year.


The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz is an important entity of academic and artistic world in Łódź and the whole region. It is a credible and experienced institution, famous for its substantial level of education and openness to all forms of development and promotion of classical, popular or film music.
The outcome of educational activities of the University are numerous awards and honours for the professors, students and graduates at national and international competitions, whereas the outcome of its artistic and scientific sessions, organized by the chairs of the University, are published materials, such as research publications and CDs. The University of Music in Lodz is a state art university offering comprehensive full-time and part-time studies in a variety of music areas. Study programmes are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Full-time studies

1st cycle 3-year studies, 2nd cycle 2-year studies

    Faculty of Creativity, Interpretation, Music Education and Production
    specialties: composition, film music composition, theory of music, symphonic and choral conducting, eurhytmics, art education, music education and animation, music therapy, music production, sound engineering, music in media
    Faculty of Instrumental Performance
    specialties: piano, organ, harpsichord, string instruments, wind instruments, percussion, early musical instruments, accordion, guitar, harp, sacred music
    Faculty of Performing Arts
    specialties: vocal and acting specialisation, musical, choreography and dance techniques, somatics in dance and therapy
    Faculty of Jazz and Popular Music
    specialties: jazz instruments, stage vocal music
Part-time studies
    First-Cycle Programmes:
  • music therapy
  • choreography and dance techniques
  • pop and jazz singing
  • modern dance
    Second-Cycle Programmes:
  • choreography
  • pop and jazz singing
  • somatics in dance and therapy (since 2021/2022)
    Non-Degree Post-Diploma Programmes:
  • for instrumental or vocal studies
  • for conducting of chamber ensembles
  • for performance of contemporary music

All courses are taught in Polish language. Some individual classes could be run in foreign languages, however group classes, which are compulsory, are taught in Polish. If you come to complete the whole cycle of studies it is strongly recommended to start the stay in Poland as a preparatory (zero) year with an intensive learning of Polish (one year before starting the studies).

The University offers the highest quality education due to: high rank specialists who teach master classes of instruments, composition, and eurhythmics, choreography and music therapy, experienced teachers who deliver lectures and offer classes on the theory of music. The programme of studies is often enriched with extra master courses, seminars, workshops, or lectures (many of them run by visiting professors from renowned institutions from all over the world).


If you want to study within the Erasmus programme at our Academy you should contact the International Relations Office at your institution and accomplish requirements set by your home school.

  • Application Form and Learning Agreement (ask your Erasmus Coordinator)
  • Photo
  • CD or DVD recording of your performance
  • Artistic CV


If you are interested in applying to our Academy as a regular student for the whole cycle of studies, please, send at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. an e-mail including your short presentation as well as contact details so that we could inform you in advance about the nearest admissions.
The qualified candidates should start their stay in Poland with one preparatory (zero) year, including an intensive course of Polish language and a course.

  • Application for admission
  • Final (maturity) certificate of secondary education – legalized by educational authorities in the country of issue or Polish diplomatic office abroad. It should contain a clause confirming that its holder has access to higher education institutions in its own country. In case the certificate does not include such a clause, the authorities of the school issuing the certificate may give a separate note confirming this fact. Please, note that after arrival to Poland you will also have to nostrify this certificate in Kuratorium Oświaty in Łódź (Education office in Łódź).
  • A copy of passport.
  • Medical certificate confirming the applicant’s physical condition is adequate for studying in a given major.
  • Health insurance policy covering full medical and hospital coverage in Poland.
  • Four signed photos (passport size 30 x 42 mm, bare-headed, light background).
  • Sworn translations of the documents made by a Polish translator in Poland or in a Polish diplomatic office abroad.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Other documents. It may be necessary to present (upon the request of the admission board or the authorities of the University).
  • For initial evaluation it is recommended to submit a video recording (preferably DVD quality – Region 2) of at least 30 minutes own performance of works (different styles of classical music). Candidates for composition should submit two scores and a recording of performance of their own composition(s).
  • More information can be found on the website click here

One academic year (including zero year) – approx. from 4000 € up to 6100 € (depending on the chosen major) plus 200 € of an entrance fee for starting each level of education (e.g. zero year, first-cycle studies, second-cycle studies).
The course of Polish language – at least 500 € for one academic year.
NOTE – Our University reserves the right to increase tuition fees in case of changes in the Polish law or due to serious economical aspects.

  • Full-time 1st cycle studies: the end of June
  • Full-time 2nd cycle studies: June/July
  • Part-time 1st cycle studies: the end of June and the middle of September
  • PhD studies: June and  September

Main academic regulations

  • The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz Charter
  • The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz Recruitment Regulations
  • The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz Studies Regulations
  • The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz Postgraduate Studies Regulations
  • The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz Doctoral Studies Regulations
  • The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz Financial Aid Regulations
Academic ECTS Coordinator
  • Vice Rector for Scholarly and Didactic Affairs – Prof. Agata Jarecka, DA Hab.
    tel. +48 42 662 16 67
Faculties coordinators
  • Faculty I - Creativity, Interpretation, Music Education and Production
    Dean – Prof. AM Marcin Wolniewski, DA Hab.
  • Faculty II - Instrumental Performance
    Dean – Wojciech Kubica, DA Hab.
  • Faculty III - Performing Arts
    Dean – Prof. Beata Zawadzka-Kłos, DA Hab.
  • Faculty IV - Jazz and Popular Music
    Dean – Prof. AM Adam Manijak, DA Hab.

1st cycle studies

  • Composition
  • Film Music Composition
  • Theory of music
  • Symphonic and choral conducting
  • Eurhytmics
  • Art education
  • Music therapy
  • Music production
  • Sound engineering
  • Music in media
  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Harpsichord
  • Early musical instruments: baroque violin, baroque viola, baroque cello, viola da gamba, traverso flute, recorder, baroque oboe, lute
  • String instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass
  • Wind instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba
  • Accordion
  • Guitar
  • Harp
  • Percussion
  • Sacred music
  • Vocal and acting specialisation
  • Musical
  • Choreography and dance techniques
  • Choreography
  • Modern dance
  • Stage vocal music
  • Jazz instruments: piano, violin, double bass, saxophone, trombone, trumpet, drums, jazz guitar, bass guitar.

2nd cycle studies

  • Composition
  • Film Music Composition
  • Theory of music
  • Symphonic-operatic and choral conducting
  • Eurhytmics
  • Music education and animation
  • Music production
  • Sound engineering
  • Music in media
  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Harpsichord
  • Early musical instruments: baroque violin, baroque viola, baroque cello, viola da gamba, traverso flute, recorder, baroque oboe, lute
  • String instruments: violin, viola, cello, double bass
  • Wind instruments: flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba
  • Accordion
  • Guitar
  • Harp
  • Percussion
  • Sacred music
  • Vocal and acting specialisation
  • Musical
  • Choreography and dance techniques
  • Somatics in dance and therapy
  • Stage vocal music
  • Jazz instruments: piano, electronic keyboards, violin, electric guitar, bass guitar, double bass, saxophone, trombone, trumpet and drum kit


If you want to study within the Erasmus+ programme at our University you should contact the International Relations Office at your institution and accomplish requirements set by your home school.

  • Application Form (ask your Erasmus Coordinator);
  • Learning Agreement;
  • audio or preferably video recordings of your performance (links are welcome); composers are asked to submit scores; artistic CV;
  • motivation letter;
  • transcript of records.

Contact for exchange candidates: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Study in English – GENERAL INFORMATION click

3rd International Saxophone Competition SaxFest Łódź 2015

April 25th – 30th , 2015

The main Competition’s goal  is to make classical saxophone playing popular by meeting young saxophone virtuosos from different countries. In order to do that this event will not only confront the young musicians, but also will help in achieving higher level of saxophone performance.

In accordance with questions and doubts recieved from saxophonists as well as taking care of more elastic program choice I decide
to cancel time limit in II round, point 2 (free choice) in group II (older) program and at the same time to limit lenght of II round to maximum 40 minutes. Remaining program regulations and rules stay as they are.
Jacek Delong  - III ISC SaxFest 2015 director

  1. The organizer of the 3rd International Saxophone Competition is the Chair of Wind and Percussion Instruments of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź, Poland.
  2. The Competition will be held from April 25th until April 30th, 2015.
  3. The Competition is open for participants in two groups:
    Group I  – born after April 30th, 1994,
    Group II  – born after April 30th, 1986.
  4. The application for participation in the Competition should comprise:
    - a legibly filled application form,
    - a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or ID with confirmed applicant’s age.
    - the applicant’s artistic CV – (certificates of institutions of education, copies of mastercourse diplomas, letters of recommendation, rewards and prizes etc.)
    - one digital photo of good quality.
    to be returned by January 31st, 2015 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  5. The applications meeting the above requirements will be confirmed in writing no later than by February 28th, 2015.
  6. The participation fee is 60,- euro. Payment shall be made not later than by March 15th, 2015 to:
    Bank PEKAO S.A. II O/Lodz
    IBAN PL 45 1240 3028 1978 0010 1782 4704
    indicating ”Konkurs Saksofonowy”. All banking charges should be covered by a remitter.

    In case of resignation the participation fee will not be returned.
  7. Accompaniment:
    All participants have their own pianist, they cover travel and accommodation charges for him/her. There is an option to use a local pianist .*
  8. All auditions of the Competition are open to the public.
  9. All auditions, as well as prize-winners’ concert, can be filmed, recorded by radio and television and used for promotional purposes, without payment to the participants.
  10. The Competition may be cancelled due to circumstances which do not depend on the Organizers, yet not later than by April 15th, 2015. In such case the entrance fees will be paid back to candidates.
  11. Internal work regulations of the Jury will be established during the first meeting of the Jury members. The verdicts of the Jury are final and irrevocable.
  12. The Jury members will not evaluate their own students.
  13. Minimum 18 points advance a participant to the second round.
  14. The final scoring after the 3rd round is the sum of average scores of all rounds of the Competition.
  15. The scoring in each round is so-called an average score, received as the result of dividing the sum of all scores, using the principle of crossing out one highest and one lowest of the scores. 
  16. The Organizer reserves himself the exclusive right of interpreting the rules and conditions of this Competition.
  17. The prize-winners of the previous editions are not allowed to participate in the Competition.

*  II  round
    45 min. rehearsal + sound check + audition – younger group: 40,-euro, older group: 50,- euro
    III round
    45 min. rehearsal + sound check + audition – younger group: 60, -euro,  older group: 80,- euro


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