3rd International Saxophone Competition SaxFest Łódź 2015

April 25th – 30th , 2015

The main Competition’s goal  is to make classical saxophone playing popular by meeting young saxophone virtuosos from different countries. In order to do that this event will not only confront the young musicians, but also will help in achieving higher level of saxophone performance.

In accordance with questions and doubts recieved from saxophonists as well as taking care of more elastic program choice I decide
to cancel time limit in II round, point 2 (free choice) in group II (older) program and at the same time to limit lenght of II round to maximum 40 minutes. Remaining program regulations and rules stay as they are.
Jacek Delong  - III ISC SaxFest 2015 director

  1. The organizer of the 3rd International Saxophone Competition is the Chair of Wind and Percussion Instruments of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź, Poland.
  2. The Competition will be held from April 25th until April 30th, 2015.
  3. The Competition is open for participants in two groups:
    Group I  – born after April 30th, 1994,
    Group II  – born after April 30th, 1986.
  4. The application for participation in the Competition should comprise:
    - a legibly filled application form,
    - a copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or ID with confirmed applicant’s age.
    - the applicant’s artistic CV – (certificates of institutions of education, copies of mastercourse diplomas, letters of recommendation, rewards and prizes etc.)
    - one digital photo of good quality.
    to be returned by January 31st, 2015 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  5. The applications meeting the above requirements will be confirmed in writing no later than by February 28th, 2015.
  6. The participation fee is 60,- euro. Payment shall be made not later than by March 15th, 2015 to:
    Bank PEKAO S.A. II O/Lodz
    IBAN PL 45 1240 3028 1978 0010 1782 4704
    indicating ”Konkurs Saksofonowy”. All banking charges should be covered by a remitter.

    In case of resignation the participation fee will not be returned.
  7. Accompaniment:
    All participants have their own pianist, they cover travel and accommodation charges for him/her. There is an option to use a local pianist .*
  8. All auditions of the Competition are open to the public.
  9. All auditions, as well as prize-winners’ concert, can be filmed, recorded by radio and television and used for promotional purposes, without payment to the participants.
  10. The Competition may be cancelled due to circumstances which do not depend on the Organizers, yet not later than by April 15th, 2015. In such case the entrance fees will be paid back to candidates.
  11. Internal work regulations of the Jury will be established during the first meeting of the Jury members. The verdicts of the Jury are final and irrevocable.
  12. The Jury members will not evaluate their own students.
  13. Minimum 18 points advance a participant to the second round.
  14. The final scoring after the 3rd round is the sum of average scores of all rounds of the Competition.
  15. The scoring in each round is so-called an average score, received as the result of dividing the sum of all scores, using the principle of crossing out one highest and one lowest of the scores. 
  16. The Organizer reserves himself the exclusive right of interpreting the rules and conditions of this Competition.
  17. The prize-winners of the previous editions are not allowed to participate in the Competition.

*  II  round
    45 min. rehearsal + sound check + audition – younger group: 40,-euro, older group: 50,- euro
    III round
    45 min. rehearsal + sound check + audition – younger group: 60, -euro,  older group: 80,- euro