We are pleased to announce that the Jury of the 6th Grazyna Bacewicz International Composer Competition sitting in Lodz on 3-5 September 2019 has chosen three prize winners from 53 competition scores. The protocol was signed by all members of the jury: Zygmunt Krauze (chairman), Paweł Przytocki (Poland), Dan Dediu (Romania), Joel Hoffman (USA).

  • First Prize (21 750 PLN)
    „The Landscape” for orchestra
  • Second Prize (13 050 PLN)
    NICHOLAS GOTCH (United Kingdom)
  • Third Prize (8 700 PLN)
    „Whale, Il canto del mare” – Symphonic poem in three movements based on Whale intonation

The pieces that are awarded the first and second prizes will be performed at the concert held on November 29th, 2019 in the Arthur Rubinstein Lodz Philharmonic. The piece that gets the third prize will be performed during the Musica Moderna session, organized by the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz (December 3rd, 2019).


  • The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz
  • The Arthur Rubinstein Lodz Philharmonic

The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz | The Arthur Rubinstein Lodz Philharmonic




  1. The competition is open to composers of all nationalities, with no age limit.
  2. Each participant may submit more than one score.
  3. All submitted works must be composed after December 31st, 2015, be unpublished, never performed in public before and not awarded in any other competition.
  4. The jury shall award three compositions.
  1. The subject of the competition is a composition for:
    a) symphony orchestra,
    b) organ and symphony orchestra; a detailed description of available organs can be found below.
        Baroque Organ – download PDF file
        Symphonic Organ – download PDF file
  2. Maximum line-up of a symphony orchestra comprises the following:
    • 2 Flutes, 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons, 4 Horns, 3 Trumpets, 3 Trombones, 1 Tuba, Harp, Piano, 14 Violins I, 12 Violins II, 10 Violas, 8 Cellos, 6 Double Basses.
    • Percussion (up to four players):
      Xylophone, Marimba [4 ½-octave], Vibraphone, Chimes (Tubular Bells), Timpani, Wood Wind Chimes (Bamboo Wind Chimes), Temple Blocks, Castanets, Guiro, Cabaza, Ratchet, Slapstick, Triangle, Cowbells, Sleigh Bells, Flexatone, Anvil, Thunder Sheet, Pair of Cymbals, Suspended Cymbals, Tam-Tams, Tambourine, Timbales, Bongos, Snare Drum, Tom-Toms, Bass Drum.
  3. The use of recordings and live electronics is not permitted.
  4. Duration of the composition shall be 15-20 minutes (this should be specified in the score).
  1. Three prizes:
    – 1st Prize: PLN 21,750 (approx. € 5,000 *)
    – 2nd Prize: PLN 13,050 (approx. € 3,000 *)
    – 3rd Prize: PLN 8,700 (approx. € 2,000 *) – funded by Zygmunt Krauze
    * The euro equivalent of prizes has been given according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Poland on the day of the competition announcement.
    All prizes are given in their gross amounts.
  2. The pieces that will be awarded the first and second prizes will be performed at the concert held on November 29th, 2019 in the Arthur Rubinstein Lodz Philharmonic. The piece that will get the third prize will be performed during the Musica Moderna session, organized by the Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz. The third-prize winner shall be notified of the exact date of performance by January 31st, 2020 at the latest.
  3. The jury reserves the right to grant the prizes as it sees fit.
  1. The jury members:
    • Zygmunt Krauze (Poland) – Chairman
    • Paweł Przytocki (Poland)
    • Dan Dediu (Romania)
    • Joel Hoffman (United States)
  2. Results of the competition will be announced in the first half of September 2019.
  1. The score, labelled with an emblem, should be submitted anonymously.
  2. The score should be sent along with proof of payment of the registration fee and a sealed envelope, bearing the same emblem as the score. It shall include the following information:
    a) first name and surname of the composer,
    b) date and place of birth,
    c) nationality,
    d) address, telephone number, e-mail
    e) declaration stating that the submitted work does not infringe any third-party rights, has been composed after December 31st, 2015, has not been published and performed in public before as well as it has not been awarded a prize in any other competition.
  3. Scores should be sent in a printed form to the following address:
    6th Grazyna Bacewicz International Composer Competition
    The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz
    32 Gdanska St., 90-716 Lodz, Poland
  4. The deadline for submission of scores is August 20th, 2019 (the postmark is decisive).
  1. The registration fee for each score is € 50.
  2. The amount is to be paid to the bank account of
    The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Lodz
    32 Gdanska St., 90-716 Lodz, Poland
    Bank PEKAO SA
    IBAN: PL 97 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 1999
    with the annotation: 6th G. Bacewicz International Composer Competition and the composer’s name and surname.
  3. All bank charges and commissions shall be covered by the participant. Please, make sure that the amount paid to the account is exactly the same as the one specified in the Rules (see: article VI.1).
  4. Cheques shall not be accepted.
  5. The registration fee shall not be refunded.
  1. Entering the competition shall be tantamount to acceptance of the above Rules by participants.
  2. Scores that do not fulfill the requirements specified in the Rules shall not be admitted to the competition.
  3. Scores shall not be returned to the composers.
  4. Winners of the competition are obliged to prepare parts and send them at their expense in due time, specified by the competition organizers.

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Sławomir Kaczorowski – Director of the Competition
Maciej Kabza – Secretary of the Competition