Andri Ikov He was born in 1960 in Moscow, Russia. The initial music education was received, as the pianist. In 1978 has finished Moscow Special Music School as trumpet player. Further – studied in Moscow State Conservatory which has finished in 1983. His teachers were: the professor Georgy Orvid, author of the first Soviet method for trumpet and Lev Volodin, former principal trumpet of State Symphony orchestra of USSR conducting by E. Svetlanov. He was also engaged with great trumpet virtuoso Timothy Dokshidzer and Anatoly Selianin, professor of trumpet of Saratov Conservatory, Vice President of Euro – International Trumpet Gild. In 1980 Andrei took 3rd prize at the All Union Contest of Brass Performers and in 1982 he won the 1st prize and gold medal at International Contest “Prague Spring” (he was the first Soviet trumpet player, who won since 1962). 1980-1990 – member of trumpet section of State Symphony Orchestra of USSR conducting by Evgeny Svetlanov. In 1990 Andrei was invited to the first Russian private orchestra – Russian National Orchestra, which was headed by the famous pianist and conductor Mikhail Pletnev. (1990-1992 assistant principal, 1992-2002 utility trumpet), from June 2002 he moved to Bolshoi Theatre as associated principal trumpet/cornet. As freelance Andrei played with many major orchestras like Moscow Philarmonic, Moscow Virtuosas, Moscow Symphony Orchestra, Moscow Ensemble of Contemporary music, wind bands, pop orchestras, at movie music recording sessions etc.
As a soloist Andrei acts a lot. With Moscow State Orchestra, Moscow Radio Orchestra, Moscow State Chamber Orchestra, Kremlin Chamber orchestra, “Musica Viva” Chamber Orchestra, ”Pratum Integrum Orchestra”, ”Telemann-Consort” (two last – on natural trumpet), in ensembles with famous Russian singers as Irina Archipova, Makvala Kasrashvili, Irina Zhurina – sopranos from Bolshoi Theatre, organists as Leonid Roizman, Oleg Yanchenko, Rubin Abdoullin, Elena Keilina, pianists Tatiana Nikolaeva, Alexei Lubimov, Aleksandr Gindine, Mikhail Lidskiy, etc. Andrei Ikov was recorded for Soviet Brodcast Company more than two hours of trumpet solo music. At 1981 he took part in recording Symphony for trumpet, basson, piano and Orchestra by V. Kobekin, Russian avantgarde composer for LP and also Andrei recorded his named 5 CD as soloist and also many recordings in collaboration with another artists. He was made so many arrangements for trumpet & piano, organ, various brass ensembles. As a recitalist Andrei Ikov had a tours in Bulgaria, Czehoslovakia, Sweeden, Greece, Germany (incl. Reingau Festival and Oldenburger Promenade), France, Finland (Lieksa Brass Week), USA, Poland, Italia and republics of former USSR. From 1996 Andrei teaches in Moscow Special Music School, Musical College of Music named by Gnessins own, in High School Ippolitov-Ivanov own. From 2008 – senior teacher of trumpet of Moscow State Conservatory by P. Tchaikovsky, he teach also in Moscow Musical Institute named by M. Ippolitov-Ivanov and in Moscow Musical Institute named by A. Schnitke. Many of his former students now work in major orchestras as Bolshoi, Moscow Symphony, State Symphony of Russia, Texas Brass Quintet (USA), Pussang Philarmonic (Korea). Andrei Ikov regularly participates in masterclass in “ New names” foundation. His masterclasses was in Moscow, Khazan, Nizny Novgorod, Saratov, Alma-Ata, St.Petersburg, Kiev, North Texas University, Ithaka Music School, State University of New York at Fredonia, the Eastman School of Music, and Mansfield University, University of Georgia (USA), Lieksa Brass Week(Finland), Penta Brass Festival (Italia) etc. He took part in EURO-ITG Conference in Saratov – 1996, Goteborg, Sweeden – 1997, Kiev, Ukraine – 1998 , Bad Sackingen, Germany – 1999 as recitalist and teacher. Andrei Ikov was a jury member in several International Competitions in Russia, Finland, USA. From 2005 Yamaha Soloist. In April of 2009 – Honoured Artist of Russian Federation.