The 2nd Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition in Łódź

of the 2nd Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition in Łódź

§ 1

  1. The organizer of the 2nd Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition in Łódź is the Department of String Instruments of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.
  2. The Competition will take place on 8th – 14th December 2019 at the Academy of Music in Łódź.
  3. The Competition is open to violinists of all nationalities with no age limit.

§ 2

  1. Participation in the competition should be declared by the 11th of October 2019 to the e-mail address:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    or by regular mail to the address:
    Akademia Muzyczna im. Grażyny i Kiejstuta Bacewiczów
    ul. Gdańska 32, 90-716 Łódź, Poland

    with a note “The 2nd Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition”
  2. The application form filled in Polish or English should be accompanied by:
    • an artistic biogram of the participant (it may include non-obligatory links to one’s own recordings available in the internet);
    • a high resolution photo of the participant.
  3. 1.The registration fee in the amount of 300 PLN (Polish zlotys) shall be paid to the account:
    Bank PEKAO SA
    IBAN rachunku: PL 97 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 1999
    BIC code: PKOPPLPW

    with a note “The 2nd Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition”
  4. Those participants who would like to play with a piano accompanist provided by the organizers must pay the registration fee in the amount of 400 PLN
  5. Please, note that all banking charges should be paid by the applicant, so that the amount that reaches the account is precisely the same as required.
  6. The registration fee must be paid by the 23rd of October 2019 after the announcement of the final list of participants.
  7. The final list of participants will be announced not later than by the 16th of October 2019.
  8. In case of an applicant’s resignation the registration fee will not be returned.
  9. In case of a too large number of applications the organizers reserve the right to select candidates on the basis of their biograms and artistic achievements.
  10. The term of participation in the Competition is to present one's identity document with photo in the Competition Office before entering the 1st stage, in order to verify personal details from the application form.

§ 3

  1. The organizers reserve the right to record auditions and the prizewinners’ concert using any kind of audiovisual medium.
  2. Participants, during the time of the Competition, transfer their copyrights related to their image and competition presentations, to the organizers.

§ 4

    The costs of travel, meals and accommodation shall be covered by the participants and their accompanists by themselves.

§ 5

  1. Participants shall be present in the Competition Office on the day described in the invitation sent by the organizers.
  2. Auditions will be conducted in two stages.
  3. The order of the participants’ appearance in the 1st stage will be chosen by lot.
  4. To the 2nd stage not more than 16 violinists will be accepted.
  5. Participants will be informed about the date and time of their performance not later than on the 1st of December 2019.

§ 6

  1. The programme of the Competition:
      1st stage (total time of presentation 15 – 20 min.)
    • any miniature by Grażyna Bacewicz (excl. Polish Caprice);
    • any caprice from op. 10 by Henryk Wieniawski or from op. 1 by Niccolo Paganini;
    • a virtuoso work for violin solo or with piano.
    • 2nd stage (total time of presentation 25 – 30 min.)
    • Polish Caprice for violin solo by Grażyna Bacewicz;
    • any programme chosen by the participant.
  2. A free programme of the 2nd stage may include either complete forms or particular movements. Piano accompaniment is allowed for performance of works originally written for violin and orchestra.
  3. A competition programme has to be performed from memory. An exception to this may be the chamber forms presented in the 2nd stage of the Competition.
  4. A programme of the 2nd stage cannot include works presented in the 1st stage.
  5. In case of programmes being too long, the Jury reserves the right to interrupt the presentation.
  6. The organizers may ask participants to present the scores of a performed work.
  7. The organizers may provide the piano accompanist to participants.

§ 7

  1. 1.Prizes:
    • 1st prize – 20 000 PLN
    • 2nd prize – 14 000 PLN
    • 3rd prize – 8 000 PLN
    • two distinctions – 2000 PLN
  2. A special prize is planned in the amount of 2500 PLN for the best performance of a work by Grażyna Bacewicz.
  3. The amounts of awards are subject to taxation.
  4. The awarded violinists are obliged to participate in the prizewinners’ concert and appear in person to receive the prizes.
  5. All violinists qualified to the 2nd stage of auditions will receive a diploma for the Finalist of the 2nd Grażyna Bacewicz International Violin Competition.

§ 8

  1. The members of the Jury will be announced directly before the Competition.
  2. The Jury will be working in accordance with the regulations accepted at the first meeting.
  3. The Jury reserves the right to change the number and the amount of prizes, on condition that the total amount of prizes cannot be higher.
  4. The decisions of the Jury are final and irrevocable.

§ 9

  1. For reasons beyond the control of the organizers, the Competition may be cancelled, but not after the 8th of November 2019.
  2. In case of the cancellation of the Competition, the registration fee will be paid back.
  3. Applying to the Competition is equal to accepting the Regulations of the Competition. The application form may be downloaded
  4. For any inquiries, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Organizer of the Competition reserves the right to cancel the event as well as not to award any monetary prizes or modify their amount in case of insufficient fundings are received.