konkurs kameralny 2016 en baner


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  • The Organizer of the 19th Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition is the Chamber Chair of the G. and K. Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.
  • The Competition is addressed to chamber ensembles, in which the average age of all members does not exceed 30 years on the day of beginning of the Competition.
  • The auditions and the concert of laureates will be held in the G. and K. Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź.
  • The 1st stage of the Competition will take place in three categories:
    category A: voice due with piano
    category B: instrumental duo with piano
    category C: piano trio, piano quartet, piano quintet
    The best ensembles of each category will be qualified to the auditions of the 2nd stage in which they will be classified  jointly.
  • In both stages the ensemble must perform as the same team.
  • The condition to be accepted to the Competition is sending by electronic mail the following documents:
    a) an application form (in Polish or English),
    b) a copy of ID or passport
    c) an artistic CV
    d) payment of the registration fee: 250 PLN for each member of the ensemble.
  • The fee should be paid to the bank account:
    Bank PEKAO S.A. II O/Łódź
    IBAN: 97 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 1999
    with a note Chamber Music Competition - Konkurs Muzyki Kameralnej 2016
    Please, note that all banking charges should be paid by a participant so that the amount that reaches the account is precisely the same as required.
    In case of applicant’s resignation the registration fee will not be returned.
  • Applications should be sent by January 15th, 2016 to the address of the Competition
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The applications will be verified by the Organizer of the Competition who holds the right to reject an application. In case there are too many applications the Organizer will select candidates on the basis of their CVs and artistic achievements.
    Participants will receive confirmation of their participation in auditions before the 15th February 2016.
  • The programme of the Competition includes the following works:
    Category A
    A song by F. Schubert, P. Tchaikovsky and a Polish composer, written before 1900 and a freely chosen programme (up to 20 minutes)   
    Category B and C
    A cyclic form (sonata, suite, etc.) written before 1900 (up to 30 minutes).
    A programme freely chosen by the participants, including original works. In case of ensembles qualified from the Category A, the programme should include a cycle of songs performed in the original language version. Duration – up to 35 minutes.
    Programme of the 2nd stage must not include works presented in the 1st stage.
  • The organizers may require the participants to present the scores of performed works. Duration of the competition performance described in the rules of the Competition should be observed. Exceeding the time limit might result in interrupting of the performance. In case of a big number of applications, the organizers shall inform the participants about the necessity to shorten programmes of auditions in the 1st stage.
  • In case of changes in the ensemble’s programme, the Organizer should be informed about that fact, not later than before the 29th February 2016.
  • The following prizes will be awarded:
    1st prize –  8 000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    2nd prize – 5 000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    3rd prize – 3 000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    Distinctions – 1 000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    There will be a special prize for performing a work by Polish composer in the amount 1 500 PLN (for each member of the ensemble).
    The written amounts are a subject of taxation.
  • Performances will be evaluated by the international Jury composed of eminent artists – musicians and pedagogues.
  • The verdicts of the Jury are final and irrevocable.
    The Jury has the right to modify the number and amount of prizes.
  • The order of performance will be determined by lot.
  • The winning teams are obliged, in accordance with the decision of the Jury, to take part in the final concert of the prize winners.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to free use of recordings of auditions and the final concert.
  • The Organizer does not cover travel, accommodation and living expenses of the participants.
  • Due to reasons beyond control of the Organizer, the competition may be cancelled, but not later than before the 1st March 2016. In such a case, the registration fee will be returned to all ensembles qualified to the Competition.
  • Registration to the Competition equals accepting the rules of the Competition.
    Download the application form: click here
    Please send all questions to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.The Organizer of the Competition  reserves the right to cancel the event as well as not to award any monetary prizes or modify their amount in case of insufficient fundings are received.