The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź has prepared a photo exhibition documenting the artistic career of Prof. Kevin Kenner. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Wednesday, 19 December 2018 in the foyer of the Concert Hall in Żubardzka St. at the time of the formal sitting of the Senate on the occasion of conferral the degree of doctor honoris causa of the Academy of Music in Łódż upon Prof. Kevin Kenner.

The exhibition bears a title „Kevin Kener – an unusual pianist”. It comprises some chosen posters, photos of the Artist from various stages of his career (incl. his childhood), first music workbooks, competition diplomas and medals, including X and XII International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition Warsaw as well as the IX International Tchaikovsky Competition Moscow. All documents and memorabilia come from Prof. Kenner’s private archives.

The title of the exhibition was taken from a review „An unusual pianist” by Tomasz Jakub Handzlik („Gazeta Wyborcza”, Kraków, 23.06.2003).


Kevin Kenner - wystawa