Library and Recordings Library of G. and K. Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź are situated in the Academy's  building at Kilińskiego 79 Street.

Opening hours
Library (rooms 201 & 202):
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 9.00-14.30
Tuesday, Thursday - 9.00-17.30
Recordings Library (room 104):
Monday, Thursday - 11.30-17.30
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 10.30-14.30 Collection of the Library includes paper books (over 10.000 items), music scores (over 35.000 items), Bachelor and Master dissertations, Polish and foreign music magazines. Since 1993 the Library uses a computer system HORIZON. In order to operate this system, readers use 3 computers located in the circulating library and 3 computers located in the reading room. The Recordings Library is a part of the Main Library and has at its disposal a unique collection of 2000 CDs and over 3000 vinyl records.
The LP collection of classical music is particularly valuable and commonly used due to its uniqueness – a big part of historical recordings has never been published on CDs. In order to convert these analogue-vinyl recordings to digital media, our institution has recently purchased a special Laser Turntable ELP 330. The Academy is the only centre in Poland and our part of Europe to have such a device. It is used for planned digitalization of analogue recordings, which are exposed to a high quality digital compression in order to enter, in a form of audio files, an On-line Bank of Classics. In connection with an intensive development of Internet and needs of students and tutors in the scope of fast access to necessary information, this pioneering project aims at alteration of a whole CD collection into audio files available on-line. It will enhance the quality and comfort of the educational process, facilitate mastering performance skills and help in promotion of music.