The Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź is an important entity of academic and artistic world in Łódź and the whole region. It is a credible and experienced institution, famous for its substantial level of education and openness to all forms of development and promotion of classical, popular or film music.
The outcome of educational activities of the Academy are numerous awards and honours for the professors, students and graduates at national and international competitions, whereas the outcome of its artistic and scientific sessions, organized by the chairs of the Academy, are published materials, such as research publications and CDs. The Academy of Music in Łódź is a state art academy offering comprehensive full-time and part-time studies in a variety of music areas. Study programmes are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Full-time studies
1st cycle 3-year studies, 2nd cycle 2-year studies

Composition, Theory of Music, Conducting, Eurhythmics and Art Education
specialties: composition, theory of music, eurhythmics, art education in music arts


Piano, Organ, Harpsichord and Early Instruments
specialties: piano, harpsichord, organ and early instruments: baroque violin, baroque cello, viola da gamba, lute, traverse flute, recorders, baroque oboe, natural trumpet

Instrumental Studies
specialties: violin, viola, cello, double bass, guitar, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, horn, trumpet, trombone, tuba, percussion, accordion

Vocal and Acting Performance
specialties: vocal and acting performance

Part-time studies
  • Choreography and Dance Techniques (1st cycle studies)
  • Music Therapy (1st cycle studies)
  • Instrumental Studies (1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle studies)
  • Vocal Studies (1st, 2nd, 3rd cycle studies)
  • Post-Diploma Non-Degree Professional Master Course in Instrumental or Vocal Studies
  • Post-Diploma Non-Degree Studies in the Field of Film Music, Computer Music and Audiovisual Work.

All courses are taught in Polish language. Some individual classes could be run in foreign languages, however group classes, which are compulsory, are taught in Polish. If you come to complete the whole cycle of studies it is strongly recommended to start the stay in Poland as a preparatory (zero) year with an intensive learning of Polish (one year before starting the studies).
The Academy offers the highest quality education due to: high rank specialists who teach master classes of instruments, composition, and eurhythmics, choreography and music therapy, experienced teachers who deliver lectures and offer classes on the theory of music. The programme of studies is often enriched with extra master courses, seminars, workshops, or lectures (many of them run by visiting professors from renowned institutions from all over the world).