Karol Poznański Palace The Academy`s main building is a historic palace in 32 Gdańska Street, built between 1904 and 1908 for Karol Poznański, the son of a famous factory-owner from Lodz - Izrael Kalmanowicz Poznański. The building designed by Adolf Zelingson is very eclectic, elements of Italian renaissance and baroque are merged with Art Nouveau. It consists of two sides and a front part in which on both floors were situated representative rooms such as living-rooms, dining rooms (today's concert and lecture halls), cabinets, boudoirs, billiards room (today's Teaching Section). On the first floor there is also a winter garden covered with impressive glass ceiling.

Karol Poznański Palace, fot. Andrzej Wach

There are three entrances to the building: one representative with a drive way from 1 Maja Street, second entrance from Gdańska Street and the third one from the courtyard. The most characteristic element of the palace is a semicircular projection with a flattened dome.

Karol Poznański Palace fot. Andrzej Wach

The building became Academy's residence place on the first weeks of 1945. As Kazimierz Wiłkomirski, the first rector of the Academy, wrote in his Memories, the city authorities intended to place Workman Cultural Centre in the building. The decision was changed thanks to insistence of the then vice-rector Prof. Helena Kijeńska-Dobkiewiczowa. In the first years Academy shared the building with Secondary Music School and Lodz Film School.

At present, concert halls, lecture halls and practice rooms for students, Electronic Music Computer Studio and Electroacoustic Workshop are located in the palace. It is also a place of location of administration, Academy's authorities, Bacewiczówka bar and a copy-room. In the hall on the ground floor there are computer sites with free internet access. 

Karol Poznański Palace fot. Andrzej Wach