1. The Organizer of the 21st Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition in Lodz is the Institute of Chamber Music of The Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz.
  2. The Competition is intended for chamber ensembles, provided that the average age of all the members of the formation does not exceed 30 years on the opening day of the Competition.
  3. The auditions will be held from the 4th April until the 9th April 2022 in Chamber Hall of the G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz (in the building of the Regional Centre for Culture, Education and Music Documentation, al. 1 Maja Avenue 4). The concert of laureates will take place in the Concert Hall of G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz (in Żubardzka Street 2a). The competition may be open to the public depending on the pandemic situation in the country.
  4. The Competition will be held in two rounds.
    The 1st round of the Competition will take place in two categories:
    • category A – vocal piano duo, instrumental duo (with piano), piano duo
    • category B – piano trio, piano quartet, piano quintet
    The best ensembles of each category will be qualified for the second stage auditions, in which they will be classified jointly.
  5. In both stages of the Competition the ensembles must perform in the same line-up.
  6. The programme of the Competition:
    • 1st round – works composed before 1900.
      Duration time – up to 20 minutes.
    • 2nd round – a programme of own choice.
      Duration time: up to 35 minutes.
      The programme of the 2nd round must not include the pieces of the music presented in the 1st round of the competition.
  7. In order to enter the Competition it is necessary to fill in the application form the contents of which is an attachment to these Regulations and which is available on the web page of The G. and K. Bacewicz University of Lodz, as well as pay an entry fee 270 PLN for each member of the ensemble.
    The fee should be paid to the bank account:
    Bank PEKAO S.A.
    IBAN PL 97 1240 3028 1111 0000 2822 1999
    with a note "Bacewicz Chamber Music Competition 2022"
    All the cost of the payment transfer must be covered by the applicant.
    In case of applicant’s resignation the entry fee will not be returned.
    By the 31st January 2022, applications should be completed and include all the required files as described in the application.
  8. The applicants are qualified for the Competition in accordance with the order of receiving the applications. Participants will receive confirmation of their participation in auditions before the 25th February 2022.
  9. The organizers may require the participants to present the scores of performed works (in electronic form). The duration of the performances as described in the Rules and Regulations of the Competition must not be exceeded. Exceeding the time limit might result in interrupting of the performance. In case of a high number of applications, the organizers shall inform the participants about the necessity to shorten the programmes of auditions in the 1st round.
  10. In case of any changes in the ensemble’s programme, the Organizer should be informed about that fact, not later than before the 1st March 2022.
  11. The following prizes will be awarded:
    • 1st prize – 8.000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    • 2nd prize – 5.000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    • 3rd prize – 3.000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    • Distinctions – 1.000 PLN (for each member of the ensemble)
    • There will be a special prize of 1500 PLN for each member of the ensemble for the best performance of a work of the Polish composer as well as special prizes in the form of concerts organized in cultural centres.
    The prizes are a subject of taxation.
  12. The performances will be evaluated by the international Jury composed of eminent artists – musicians and pedagogues. The Jury sets out the scoring and awarding rules on the basis of distinct regulations. The verdicts of the Jury are final and irrevocable. The Jury reserves the right to change the number and the amounts of the prizes.
  13. The order of performance will be determined by lot. The competition’s schedule will be published on the website of the G. and K. Bacewicz University of Music in Lodz by the 15th March 2022.
  14. The awarded ensembles are obliged to perform free of charge in the concert of laureates according to the Jury’s decision.
  15. The Organizer reserves the right to record the auditions and the concert of laureates and to use the recordings free of charge.
  16. Competition participants agree to the processing of their personal data by the Competition Organiser in accordance with the Act of the 10th May 2018 about personal data protection (Journal of Laws of 2019.1718 consolidated text).
  17. The Organizer does not cover travelling, accommodation and living expenses of the participants.
  18. For reasons beyond the control of the Organiser, the competition may be canceled no later than 1st March 2022. The competition fee will then be refunded to all teams qualified for the Competition.
  19. By entering the competition all participants agree to adhere to these Competition Rules and Regulations. Please, direct enquiries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  20. In the event of pandemic threat, the Organiser ensures that the competition is held online and reserves the right to make necessary changes regarding the date and form of applications and the course of the Competition.
    In this case the following dates will apply:
    • 15 January 2022 – decision on the procedure for conducting the competition
    • 31 January 2022 – deadline for sending applications
    • 15 February 2022 – information about the participants (ensembles) qualified to participate in the competition
    • 20 March 2022 – deadline on sending links to the recordings
  21. In matters not covered by these Regulations, decisions are made by the Organiser.