Musicalowe Koło Naukowe „Śliska Błyskawica”

The “Śliska Błyskawica” [Slippery Lightning] Student Research Group is an initiative of students from Musical specialization of the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź. The Group consists of young people, energetic and zealous, sharing passion for dramatic-musical theatre forms. The key aim of the Group is to develop and apply in practice the skills acquired while studying – producing shows, concerts, performances and artistic events, building up professional awareness, as well as collaborating with cultural and educational institutions. One of the most spectacular achievements is a multiple presentation of their own, original performance Dlaczego Maciek nie poszedł do nieba [Why didn’t Maciek go to heaven?], in the production of which the Group members were co-responsible for not only stage work but also direction, stage design, costumes and choreography, as well as organizational and promotional activities.

    find us on facebooku
  • Supervision – mgr Martyna Henke
  • President – Maja Korbiel
  • Vice-president – Tomasz Wierzba
  • Secretaries – Karolina Szeleś, Łukasz Walczak

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