Koło Naukowe Rytmiki i Improwizacji The Group was founded in the academic year of 2017/2018. The Group members are involved in artistic, academic and promotional activity. Its founders created a platform on which they can exchange thoughts, share their experiences and inspire each other. The main objectives of the Group comprise developing knowledge, sharing it, undertaking their own scientific initiatives, experimenting and searching for choreographic and musical ideas in their own choreographies.
The Group members organize meetings, workshops with invited guests, outings to concerts and theatres. They successfully collaborate with other student research groups operating at the Academy, just to mention Z opery na Broadway [From Opera to Broadway] project developed together with the Opera Lovers Student Research Group.

Feel welcome to join us!


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  • Supervision – dr Barbara Dominiak
  • President – Małgorzata Burzyńska
  • Vice-president – Jadwiga Sadurska

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