logo knkitm wersja skrot The Composition and Music Theory Student Research Group focuses mainly on theoretical-musical research and compositional pursuits. The Group’s activity involves, inter alia, meetings dedicated to the works of particular composers, currents and phenomena of the 20th- and 21st-century music, as well as organisation of concerts presenting compositions written by young composers belonging to the Group. The most significant achievements of recent years comprise a few presentations during Musical Forum of Artists and Scientists: the Tramwaj nr 8 [Tramway no. 8] and Barwy [Colors] projects, as well as the Piętro Wyżej [The Floor Above] concert as part of the Music-Media-Marketing Conference. What makes an annual tradition is “The (theoretically) Compositional Concert”, during which works written at counterpoint and harmony classes are performed. The Group members also participate in all-Polish and international academic conferences.
Another, equally important field of the Group’s activity is participation in the “Musica Moderna” sessions. Students, twice a year, have an opportunity to take part in the event as composers, performers and active audience members – commentators. As part of after-concert discussions, students get familiar with the rudiments of music criticism, thus learning to formulate opinions on the pieces they have just heard. Also, they frequently get a chance to query the composers.
The Composition and Music Theory Student Research Group members are students of the two fields of study, as well as students of new specializations: Film Music Scoring and Music in Media. The Group’s formula is open – those willing to participate in meetings are most welcome.


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  • Supervision – Maciej Walczak, MA, Maciej Kabza, MA
  • President – Wojciech Glądys
  • Vice-president – Olga Pasek
  • Secretary – Antonina Wiatr

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